Oct 23, 2010

Shell Drawing Contour Homework

Okay everybody; here is my first shell contour homework assignment drawing.  (That was a mouth full)  Anyways, we were assigned this assignment a couple of weeks ago, and the assignment was to draw a contour drawing for 5-6 hours, in which to me is a long butt time.  We had our choice of drawing median, which I used charcoal pencil, on 30”x 22” Stonehenge paper.  Drawing this shell was easy to do.  I did it one line at a time, until I got the whole shape of the shell.  After I got the basic shape of the shell, I started to put more detail into it.  While I was drawing it I was trying to keep in mind of atmosphere perspective.  Which is the farther an object is, the hazier it looks because of the atmosphere itself.  It shouldn’t matter with this small of an object, but for dramatic affect I did.  In reality, it was to give it a sense of depth.  I did this by using a harder charcoal pencil as I was going towards the back of the shell. 
After we got the drawings done we did a critique on them.  We got into groups of 3 to 4 and took five minutes for each drawing.  Mentioning the positives and negatives of each drawing.  The positives of my was that it showed volume well and the contour of shell itself.  Negative was that it was not taking the full space of the paper.  Another one was that it seems to be too dark. 

Till next time…

1 comment:

  1. Good contour line work! It looks as though you spent a good bit of time developing the form, and you maintain a strong diagonal throughout. It looks as though it fills the page rather nicely as well.
