Nov 15, 2010

Better late than never...

Why hello audience, homer11588 again and with a completed shell drawing.  YESSSSS!!!!!  Here is a picture of it
Looks, almost, like some kind boat?  

Anyways, I just got it done today around 3 pm and then I started to work on my manikin and finished.  Had to do the muscles of the lower leg and foot.  It was sort of difficult of getting the clay underneath the foot because there was hardly any space.   I got through it, and worked on the rest of the muscles that were assigned for it.  I took about 2 1/2 hours to do and I think it looks all right. 

This blog isn't really a reflection of the week, hence, it's Monday.  I do got two life drawing classes this week, so I should have something up on either Thursday or Friday.

Other News...

In my Human Body Form Class (Industrial Design Class), we got our last project for the semester   assigned today, and we had to design a shopping cart for 'supercenter' stores (like Walmart and Target).  This sounds super interesting to me and I think I'm going to like it also.  I'm not going to do this project alone, oh no, we got assigned into groups that, our teacher thought would be a good mix.   Hope he is right, but it just started, I'll give it sometime before I put any judgment.

Okay, I think I blogged enough tonight.  I got to study for a history exam tomorrow.

Till next time...


  1. I really like how you used your eraser on your shell to add the highlight. It adds a lot of depth and makes your shell look round which is nice!

  2. Nice job completing your shell drawing, better late than never! It turned out really nice. I agree your shell has a lot of depth to it because your line thicknesses. You should post a picture of your manikin too. I had some trouble with the foot because there is so much tiny detail, hope yours turned out alright!

  3. From the look of this shell it seems that you have made some progress since the very first attempt. I think its good that you cut down on the number of lines. The couple of shells before this had soooo many lines it was ridiculous. Especially the first one. One thing that I see that I think could be improved on is the diagonal axis of the shell.
